Pouring My Heart Out
one word at a time

Silence…except for the soft hum from the overhead fan.
Stillness….except for the gentle current of air that the fan creates as the blades slowly spin
darkness….. a darkness so deep no shadow can possibly form.
and yet………..
Though there are no sounds,
though there is no movement,
though I lay under a heavy, thick, shroud of darkness….
iit begins again………
Sound….a sound that’s, almost, not there. A sound that, when it first starts, I have to strain to hear. It grows louder, but just loud enough to barely break though the silence. A slight scraping noise, as if something is moving across the floor. I hear it and it’s to the left of me. No, wait, it’s on the right, No, I think, I think, it’s…above me. I can’t be sure.
Movement…..yes, movement, lots of movement as it keeps changing positions. Each time I think I know where it’s at it quickly moves again.
Or maybe, just maybe, there’s more than one,
shadows…..shadows that form somehow without the aid of light. A vague, illusive, swirl that grows and dances in the darkness as it, or they, yes, I’m sure it’s “they”, move around me.
I know they are there, but that’s not what frightens me. I can ignore their presence. Well, almost. I could ignore them. I could if it weren’t for one thing.
You see, they know that I know about them. They know I am aware of their movement, the scraping noises they make and their shadow play and– it pleases them. The fact that I sit or lay, night after night, very aware of them seems to somehow……..entertain them.
The thing that frightens me, the one thing that terrifies me….
is wondering…
what happens when they are no longer “entertained” by me just being aware of their presence.
What will they do to be entertained?
What happens then?
Cold so cold the whispers of old
Reaching out to touch all souls
Lies they tell ever so bold
Yet many believe what they are told
Speak the whispers – come follow me
World treasures await, you’ll soon see
All you desire you shall receive
You can claim it – just simply believe
Whispers rejoice – it worked again
Same old lies said with a grin
Gods word not quite known to them
So a few words changed pulls them in
Cold so cold the whispers of old
Reaching out to touch all souls
Lies they tell ever so bold
Yet many believe what they are told
All rights reserved.
The writings and the art that you see on this site are my original creations and may not be copied, changed or used without my express permission.