Pouring My Heart Out

one word at a time

A blessed life…
I pray for simple, almost boring
I’ve no desire to reach great heights.
A day of work to begin each morning,
a safe place to rest  each night.
Food enough to share with others,
and church twice a week.
Bible readings and time to pray.
Just simple is what I seek. 

My God,
I beseech you in desperate prayer
please left me from this deep despair
Before you and you alone
my broken spirit cries and moans
I weep, pray and seek your face.
I beg of you, send down your grace
I have nothing of worth to give, to offer
but all that I am, I place on your altar.

I am not there to help them today
But I am here and here I can pray
Lord draw them close and comfort impart
Soothe and console their fragmented hearts
Questions abound while tears swiftly flow
Why, oh how could she, they’ll all want to know
The guilt of not knowing or foreseeing her plans
will settle like blood, defiling their hands
I know that defilement, for I’ve felt it too
and I know that there’s healing, but only through you
So dear Lord I come in sincere, fervent prayer
and ask that you hold them in your loving care
Your peace and your comfort please give them today
Please Lord, help them, protect them  and heal them I pray.

 All rights reserved. 
The writings and the art that you see on this site are my original creations and  may not be copied, changed or used without my express permission.