Pouring My Heart Out
one word at a time

Death – a stone dropped into dark and cold water spreading circles and circles outward in echoing waves of sorrow and pain. The echoing waves affect many until enough time passes to still the water bringing forth a sense of peace and healing.
Suicide – a stone dropped into dark and cold water but one that stays forever tethered to the shore by guilt and unanswered questions. Suicide’s stone is pulled up, gazed at over and over then tossed afresh into the water never allowing time the chance to still the echoing waves. With this stone time brings no peace or healing.
67 you would be
on the morrow of this, your birthday eve
My tears so heavy silent fall
whilst love though time dost loudly call
Oh, perchance my cries will awaken thee
and bring thee forth this night to me
But alas, tis cries discharged in vain
for my plight of woe steady remains.
Memories weigh heavy in my head and like a press crushing wine from grapes they release the tears that were hidden within the corners of my mind.
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